View Full Version : VP for Collections- The VA Historical Society, Richmond, VA

01-22-2018, 01:49 PM
The Virginia Historical Society seeks a qualified candidate for the position of Vice President for Collections. This individual serves as a part of the VHS Executive Team, reports directly to the President & CEO, and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of VHS collections development, management, care, use, access and security. The vice president is the VHS’s chief acquisitions officer, regular liaison between the Collections Division (approx. 20 people) and the VHS Board of Trustees, especially its Collections Committee, and is administrator of Division operations, including budgets, personnel, and reporting. The vice president also provides oversight to VHS research services including accessibility to, and use of, VHS’s nearly 9 million items through its library and online collections catalogs.
Critical projects upon the selected candidate’s arrival will include the successful completion of a multi-year, multi-million-dollar project to receive, document, and digitize the paper-based collections of the American Civil War Center – making VHS one of the largest private holders of American Civil War material in the world. The vice president will also play a key role in institutional planning, including the creation of a new strategic plan, which, among many important initiatives, will focus on increasing earned income, driving vibrancy and activity, and strengthening visitation and public interest overall.

RequirementsQualifications: Advanced degree in American History, Art History, Library and Information Science, or closely related fields, or a graduate degree combined with pertinent experience; minimum of ten years of experience in collections development or management; strong leadership, people management and organizational skills; experience in constituent stewardship; strong public speaking ability; thorough knowledge of collections management and online public access catalog systems; firm understanding of best practices in library, archival, museum and conservation fields.
Salary: Salary commensurate with experience; benefits package.
Availability: This position will be open February 1, 2018.
Application: Send letter of interest, resume, and list of references electronically to VPCollections@vahistorical.org. For additional information, please contact Paula Davis, Human Resources Coordinator at pdavis@vahistorical.org.
Founded in 1831, the Virginia Historical Society is the oldest cultural organization in the Commonwealth of Virginia,
and one of the oldest and most distinguished history organizations in the nation. Located in the Museum District of Richmond, Virginia, the VHS houses its collection of nearly 9 million items and serves as the state history museum with permanent and special exhibitions as well as a vibrant portfolio of public programs.