View Full Version : Exhibit Mgr.- Morehead Planetarium and Science Center, Chapel Hill, NC

09-21-2018, 10:12 AM
Morehead Planetarium and Science Center (MPSC) is a unit within The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). The mission of MPSC is:
To serve North Carolina and beyond by bringing together the unique resources of UNCto engage the public for an improved public understanding of science, technology and health.
Over the past ten years, MPSC leadership has paid significant attention to increasing the kind and quality of science education programs being offered at MPSC. Improved technology in the planetarium Star Theater has increased production values, making for a more exciting and valuable theater experience. Likewise, several new programs have been developed to meet the diverse interests and needs of our visitors. Such programs include school programs, summer camps, weekend enrichment classes, lectures, adult seminars, high-definition science movie presentations, and demonstration programs. Exhibits are now also playing a key role in the science center, with 5,000 square feet of exhibits space in planning for the renovation of the facility, expected to finish in mid 2018. These programs extend beyond astronomy, encompassing all of the sciences that are major research emphases on the UNCcampus, including physics, chemistry, environmental science, geography, genomics and others. Bridges between MPSC and the UNC science departments enable the development and implementation of an expanding repertoire of science topics and experiences.
Currently, MPSC serves over 160,000 on-site visitors and many more around the state each year. Visitors include schoolchildren and teachers from across North Carolina, as well as members of the general public.
The Exhibits Manager will:
• Assist in the development, implementation and expansion of MPSC’s suite of programs to increase the public’s interest in and understanding of science as it is done today. The development of exhibits will be the major focus of this position, including working with the supervisor and outside architect, exhibits design firm, and fabrication firms to develop, test and implement 5,000 square feet of new exhibits for the renovated Morehead facility. Work with UNC interiors and staff to ensure appropriate furniture and furnishings are selected and procured in support of the project.
• Facilitate the day-to-day operation and maintenance of science education exhibits, including plans for exhibit hall use; management of the exhibits budget; procurement, care and storage of exhibits and related program equipment and supplies; and collection of research and evaluation data.
• Supervise and facilitate collaboration among Morehead and University and other researchers for the development of exhibits and related programs.
• Develop science education exhibits for multiple users, including schoolchildren and the general public.
• Train, support and mentor the science exhibits support staff, which shall include graduate and undergraduate student interns.
• Collaborate with MPSC marketing, visitor services and other staff to ensure effective messaging and implementation of science exhibits.
• Assist in the conduction of research within the science center environment to discover the most effective content and methods to increase the public’s interest in science, especially as it relates to their understanding of the relevance of science to their lives.
• Assist in the dissemination of research findings at regional and national conferences and meetings.
• Teach within the science exhibits and accompanying programs, as appropriate and necessary.
• Support the mission of the organization in other ways, as requested and appropriate.
• Supervise Exhibits Staff:
Supervises exhibit staff, monitors performance of staffs’ ability to design and implement exhibits. Hires staff to fulfill exhibits development and implementation responsibilities; keeps exhibits staff appropriately tasked; leads selection processes and supervision of contracted firms/agencies to develop exhibit components; assists exhibits staff in procuring materials, equipment and supplies necessary for developing exhibits and accompanying programs; develops employee work schedules.

Bachelor’s degree in a related discipline and two years of experience related to the area of assignment; or equivalent combination of training and experience. All degrees must be received from appropriately accredited institutions.
Proven experience building partnerships and leading teams in the development of exhibits.
Experience with 2D and 3D design including graphic design and floor plans. 2D and 3D design software a plus.
Knowledge and experience with integration of evaluation methods and procedures into exhibit development process.
Management experience – people, budgets, other resources.