View Full Version : Visual Resources Coordinator- Newseum, Washington, DC

08-13-2013, 11:45 AM
Visual ResourcesCoordinator - Position Announcement
The Visual Resources department is responsible for researching, acquiring,cataloging and licensing images for the Newseum, as well as managingcollections of photographs from photojournalists and photographers to becomepart of the Newseum's permanent collection. The images in the Newseumcollection relate to current news, the history of the news around the world andthe First Amendment. They are used in exhibitions and other Newseum projects,and also serve as tools for public outreach and as a resource for thejournalism community, scholars and the public.

The Visual Resources Coordinator contributes to exhibit content development andsupports Newseum exhibitions, broadcast productions, education digital modulesand marketing efforts. Under the supervision of the Senior Manager/VisualResources, the Visual Resources Coordinator will:

ˇ Conduct photo research, and acquire and licenseimages from stock agencies, libraries, museums and online sites.

ˇ Assume responsibility for cataloging images intoa digital asset management system. This includes the input of technical,photographic and descriptive metadata; linking image files to existing databaseentries; and maintaining accurate records of source and credit information.

ˇ Assist in management of digital assets throughoutexhibit and production work flows, and develop efficient processes to sharevisual materials during image presentations.

ˇ Assist in coordination of scanning, resizing, qualitycheck, proofing and delivery of images exhibited in and for the promotion ofthe Newseum.

ˇ Manage the Ted Polumbaum image collection. Thisincludes fulfillment of photo research requests, preparation of research copiesof requested materials, generation of licenses and coordination of research andlicense payment.

ˇ Assume responsibility for digital file processingand archiving as well as labeling, housing and filing of photographic printsand digital media.

ˇ Organize research documents for future use andmaintain library system records for referencing and retrieving materials asneeded.

ˇ Serve as a photography expertise resource toinform visitors about the Newseum's image collection and exhibit photocontents.

ˇ Assist in photography of artifacts and exhibitinstallations to support collections access and promote Newseum exhibits.


ˇ Bachelor's degree or MLS/MLIS and/or equivalentexperience.

ˇ Two years' work experience or educationaltraining in library or archives, museum photographic department or archive, orphoto research environment.

ˇ Experience with photo research techniques andsources, in both analog and digital formats.

ˇ Experience in working with digital assetmanagement systems or photographic databases.

ˇ Experience in classifying and cataloging images,and keywording using controlled languages.

ˇ Strong computer skills, including experience withboth PC and Macintosh platforms; image editing, organization and displayprograms (Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat, Bridge and Photo Mechanic); andorganizational spreadsheet tools such as Excel.

ˇ Strong knowledge of digital imaging work flow,production tools and software.

ˇ Knowledge of standards and practices forpreservation and management of archival collections, including digitalarchives.

ˇ Ability to work independently and prioritizetasks. Ability to work on multiple tasks and meet multiple deadlines in afast-paced environment.

ˇ Strong organizational skills, self-motivation andattention to detail.

ˇ Ability to establish and maintain cooperativeworking relationships with visual resources staff, Newseum personnel, fabricatorsand other vendors.

ˇ Familiarity with a variety of photographic mediaand processes.


ˇ Work experience or educational training as aphotographer.

Please send resumé and letter of interest to:

Indira Williams Babic

Senior Manager/Visual Resources


iwilliams@newseum.org (iwilliams@newseum.org)