by Published on 05-07-2015 08:45 PM

    These videos come from a respected museum associated with one of 8 conservation training programs recognized by AIC in the United States. There is a great deal of useful information to be had here.
    As you view published handling guidelines


    Published on 10-24-2014 04:16 AM
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    If you find it here...

    ... then you know it has merit. There is a huge volume of information
    to be found on the internet especially in the form of videos. It doesn't take a genius though ...
    Published on 09-04-2014 07:39 PM
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    ​Artwork arriving for the 1st Carnegie International 1896

    Organized by ARCS and longstanding leaders of PACCIN
    What: Crating & Packing Dynamics – Current Standards and Future Trends

    A two-day workshop combining lectures, demonstrations and exploration of a variety of packing options available to museums. Topics to be discussed include: Monitoring Shock, Vibration and Climate; Foam Types; Packing Methods; Moving the Barnes Foundation Collection; A Hybrid Crating System adapted for an exhibition at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History; and Sustainability: Re-purposing and Reusing Crates.
    by Published on 08-10-2014 12:35 PM
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    AIC’s 43rd Annual Meeting: Call for Papers

    The theme for AIC's 43rd Annual Meeting in Miami, FL May 13-16, 2015 will be Practical ...
    Published on 02-15-2014 07:47 AM
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    Craig Scheuer
    Audio Visual Technician, Carnegie Museum of Art

    My name is Craig Scheuer, and I was brought into the Art Preparation and Installation department at the Carnegie Museum of Art as the Audio Visual Technician for the 2013 Carnegie International. Because I had an existing relationship with the Exhibitions department, my transition into the position was a fairly painless one, but even with a lot of audiovisual experience there was a very steep learning curve when helping to build a show with the magnitude of the International. Working with contemporary artists is always a surprising job, and during the lead up to the show, changes and crises came at a mile a minute. I’m going to share with you some of the most important lessons that I learned, and walk you through one of the installations that I worked on in the hopes that my experiences may be of benefit to others who find themselves working on such an enormous exhibition. A lot of this is common sense or things that any art handler would already do, but I’ve always been of the opinion that fundamentals bear repeating.
    Published on 02-15-2014 07:26 AM
    1. Categories:
    2. Technology,
    3. Project Management
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    Ill Communication

    Bianca L. Ruthven
    Departmental Assistant for the Registrar’s Office and the Art Preparation & Installation Department, Carnegie Museum of Art

    This past July we started to gear up for the installation of the 56th iteration of the Carnegie International exhibition. This exhibition, which reoccurs every four years, is Carnegie Museum of Art’s largest and most visible project, making it a very exciting and complex venture and a very challenging installation for a museum of our modest size.

    One of the goals of our newly formed Art Preparation and Installation (API) department was to evaluate the way we manage our projects and tasks to become more efficient and to improve how our team members communicate with one another and with other departments. Outlined below are a few tools we have implemented to help us:
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