We are now accepting submission of speaker proposals for our 2022 conference at the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. We will consider proposals on any topic related to art preparation, art handling and collections care, but will give special consideration for those proposals that address the theme of adaptation.

The year 2020 was a year of intense and unrelenting adaptation—we had to relearn entire systems that were nearly perfected; learn to wear ever-present face masks and face shields; learn to do physical work while somehow physically distanced; learn to be virtual; learn to look at our work in a whole new light of cultural reckoning over race and privilege and evaluate where we stand, where our institutions and workplaces stand in that discussion—learn to change our minds and our hearts.

How have you adapted? ...to Covid-19? ...to calls for social change we cannot ignore? ...to the changing Climate and need for sustainability? ...to changing conditions in the workplace or during an install?

We are interested in sessions that focus on the following:

Adapting to changes in your workplace, workflow, policies, practices, and/or planning.
Crating & Packing: 2020 was the 30-year Anniversary of the seminal publication “Art in Transit”. How are the lessons learned then adapted for today?
Collections Care
Discussions of DEAI
Exhibition installs, installation hardware and methods, exhibition lighting, casework
Pandemic Response

Presentation Opportunities

The conference will have three ways to participate:
30-minutepresentations (20 minutes of presenting, 10 minutes of Q+A), ideal for a single speaker covering a focused topic or case study.
60-minutepanel presentations/discussions (45 minutes presentation, 15 minutes Q+A). This format is ideal for several speakers/panelists focusing on a broad topic of interest to the entire PACCIN community.
5-minuteQuick Presentations (5 minutes of presenting, no Q+A, ideal for a single speaker presenting a Prep Story, Quick Tip, or other short topic presentation). Check out the Prep Stories from our 2019 Prep Con in Amsterdam for examples.

How toSubmit your proposals for Prep Con 2022:

Details on how to provide your proposal is located on the 2022 Prep Con page.

Deadline: Proposals submitted by December 31, 2021

Announcement of selected speakers: January 14, 2022