Mountmaking Materials: Coatings and Barriers virtual forum, April 3, 2025
2025 AIC MWG/IMF Collaborative Forum:
Mountmaking Materials: Coatings and Barriers
Thursday, April 3, 2025
3-5:30p EST
Virtual, free
Registration is open!
The American Institute for Conservation's Materials Working Group Fact Sheet Group and the International Mountmakers Forum will host a virtual gathering to discuss collaborative decision-making in selecting materials for mount fabrication. Decisions around mount fabrication are guided by materials testing, require creative problem solving and risk management, and involve dialogue between conservators and mountmakers.
In this forum, we will explore models of collaboration between these stakeholders, as well as illuminate the role and nuances of materials testing. The forum will include short presentations on materials testing and examples of collaborations between mountmakers, conservators and scientists. The presentations will be followed by a question and answer session with a small group of panelists. We invite mountmakers, conservators, scientists, and other museum professionals to attend this forum.